24 May 2021
1 min read
Infographics Gut Health Children

Children’s gut health

gut health gut microbiota children's diet children's health
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The importance of a good gut health in children

Gut health can be defined as a state of well-being and absence of gastro-intestinal distress.
It is determined by numerous factors and largely by the gut microbiota. It is essential in childhood and influenced by many factors from the type of birth to the difference in diets.

The gut and gut microbiota play several roles on health, from the absorption and production of nutrients to the a defense role through a strong gut barrier.

Through this infographic, discover the key role of the gut health, the gut microbiota in childhood, its evolving state from birth to grown-up children and ways to assure a good gut health in children.

Children gut health infographic ENG part 1 - yogurt in nutritionChildren gut health infographic ENG part 2 - yogurt in nutrition

Children gut health infographic ENG part 3 - yogurt in nutrition

Children gut health infographic ENG part 4 - yogurt in nutrition

Stay tuned, in a few weeks, we’ll get back to you with  a complementary infographic: How to support a healthy gut in children?